Instant Preview: Preview the media file currently selected in the Media List.
.topic 1001
Media File Information: File information of the currently selected media file in the Media List.
.topic 1002
Media List: List of all imported media files.
.topic 1003
History: List of all commands performed. Click on an operation in this list to Undo (or Redo) up to that operation.
.topic 1004
Video Effects: List of all the video effects that can be added to the timeline. Select an effect and click ôAddö to apply effects.
.topic 1005
Actions: Lists all the actions that can be carried out in the currently active window. Use the Action tool for easy editing.
.topic 1006
Add Effects: Adds the selected effect to the timeline.
.topic 1007
Preview: Preview the current state of the timeline. See how your video production is shaping up.
.topic 1008
Seek Bar: Scroll to the desired position and start previewing from there.
.topic 1009
Current Time: Shows the current position relative to the total duration. The current position corresponds to the current position of the seek-bar.
.topic 1010
Preview Controls: Use these controls to preview the timeline at your will.
.topic 1011
Duration: Shows the total playback duration of the timeline.
.topic 1012
Repeat Playback: Repeat playback in a loop when the preview ends. Preview keeps repeating until stopped or Repeat is turned off.
.topic 1013
Timeline List: Lists all Video and Audio Sources, Effects and Transitions being used in the timeline, in a hierarchical manner.
.topic 1014
Zoom: Zoom in / out of the scale to view the timeline in the desired precision.
.topic 1015
Add or Remove Marker: Add a marker at the current slider position or remove the selected marker from the timeline.
.topic 1016
Show or Hide Selection sliders: Shows or hides the selection sliders in the timeline.
.topic 1017
Marker: Marks a position in the timeline. Markers can be slid to the desired position.
.topic 1018
Slider: Used to view a certain location on the timeline. Slide to the position that you wish to preview.
.topic 1019
Scale: Indicates time. Time is represented in the format Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Milliseconds.
.topic 1020
Selection Sliders: A pair of sliders (start selection slider and end selection slider) used to select a range in the timeline. Right click on the timeline and select "Selection Sliders" to view/hide them.
.topic 1021
Lock/Unlock Track: Locks or unlocks the desired track in the timeline. Locked tracks cannot be edited.
.topic 1022
View/Hide Track: Views or hides the selected track in the timeline. Hidden tracks can neither be previewed nor saved to a file.
.topic 1023
Mute/Un-mute Tracks: Mutes or activates the selected audio track. Muted tracks remain in the timeline but are not audible when previewed and are not saved to a file.
.topic 1024
Video Track: Represents video from media files over the current scale of time. When a media file is added to the timeline, its video is represented by this track.
.topic 1025
Effect Track: Shows effects over the current scale of time. The effects track is applicable to the Video track only.
.topic 1026
Transition Track: The contents of this track are masked / superimposed over the video track. Overlaid sources can have key colors rendered as transparent.
.topic 1027
Audio Track: Shows the audio from media files over the current scale of time. When a file is added to the timeline then its audio is represented by this track.
.topic 1028
Audio Track: A parallel audio track. This secondary audio track can be used as a voice-over / music track that essentially overlays the Audio 1 track.
.topic 1029
Workspace: Preview how the video will look after the text is added.
.topic 1030
Transparent Background: If checked, the video will be visible through the text. If not checked then the background of the text will be painted using the selected background color.
.topic 1031
Text: The text that will be added over the video.
.topic 1032
Format Text: Format the text by making it Bold, Italic or Underlined and giving it a strikethrough.
.topic 1033
Background Color: Indicates the currently selected background color. Clear ôTransparent Backgroundö to paint the text with this color as the background color. Click ôSelectö to choose a different color.
.topic 1034
Select Font: The font in which the text is applied.
.topic 1035
Center Text: Center the text vertically and / or horizontally in the video.
.topic 1036
Foreground Color: Indicates the currently selected foreground color. The text is painted in this color. Click ôSelectö to choose a different color.
.topic 1037
Font Size: Indicates the font size of the text.
.topic 1038
Preview: Preview the image in actual dimensions. The saved image will be an exact copy of the preview.
.topic 1039
Dimension: Specify width and height of the image to be saved. The image will be saved with these dimensions.
.topic 1040
Save: Specify a file to which the image will be saved. Click ôBrowseö to choose a destination folder.
.topic 1041
Lock Aspect Ratio: If the aspect ratio is locked, changing one dimension of the video will also change the other dimension so that the aspect ratio is always maintained. Deselect this option to specify custom width and height.
.topic 1042
Save Tracks: Lists the tracks that can be saved to the timeline. Checked tracks will be saved to the file.
.topic 1043
Advance Settings: Select different dimensions, video and audio compressors, frame rate, key frame rate, quality and predicted frame frequency for your file.
.topic 1044
Save To File: The file to which the timeline will be saved. Click ôBrowseö to select the destination folder.
.topic 1045
Start Saving: Clicking on ôStartö will start saving the timeline. This process can take some time depending on the length of the video.
.topic 1046
Save Settings Information: Displays the current settings for saving your file. æSave RangeÆ specifies the section of the timeline that will be saved.
.topic 1047
Video Dimension: Indicates the video dimension / display size of the file being saved. Select ôCustomö to specify custom
video dimensions.
.topic 1048
Video Compressor: Indicates the video compressor that will be used to compress the output file.
.topic 1049
Frame Rate: Select the frame rate in Frames Per Second (FPS) at which the file will be saved. Check ôFrame Rateö if to specify a custom frame rate. Deselect it to use the default.
.topic 1050
Quality: Specify the quality in percent to which the file will be saved. Higher quality will result in bigger files. Check to specify custom quality. Clear it to use the compressor default. Not all compressors support this capability.
.topic 1051
Custom Video Dimension: Specify the video height and width. Select custom from video dimension to specify custom video dimension.
.topic 1052
Key Frame Rate: Specify the key frame rate. Check ôKey Frame Rateö to specify custom key frame rates and clear it to use the default. Not all compressors support this capability.
.topic 1053
Predicted Frame Frequency: Specify the predicted frame frequency. Check ôPredicted Frame Frequencyö to specify custom predicted frame frequency or clear it to use the compressorÆs default.
.topic 1054
Audio Compressor: Indicates the video compressor that will be used to compress the output file.
.topic 1055
Working Folder: The working folder is used to save all temporary files used by the application and for saving the timeline
to a file.
.topic 1056
Preview Dimension: The display dimension in which the preview will be shown. This is not necessarily the actual dimension of the file or the dimension to which the final composition will be saved.
.topic 1057
Restore Default: Restores all settings to their default values. Default values are specified by the user in ôPreferencesö.
.topic 1058
Custom Preview Dimension: Specify pixel dimensions in which the preview should be displayed. Select ôCustomö from (standard) preview dimension to specify a custom preview dimension.
.topic 1059
Link/Unlink Track: Links or unlinks the selected track in the timeline. Linked tracks are edited simultaneously when selection sliders used. Multi-select sources to edit them simultaneously when selection sliders are not in effect.
.topic 1060
Video Transitions: List of all the Video Transitions that can be added to the timeline. Select a Transition and click ôAddö to apply. Each Transtion has properties such as Border Color, Border Width etc. that can be set accordingly.
.topic 1061
Slider Position: Calibrated in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Milliseconds. This box is used to accurately adjust the position of the slider in the timeline. You may also use the up and down direction keys to adjust the values.
.topic 1062
Source Start: Calibrated in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Milliseconds. This box is used to accurately change the start position of the selected source in the timeline. The stop position of the same source is also adjusted accordingly. You may also use the up and down direction keys to adjust the values.
.topic 1063
Source Stop: Calibrated in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Milliseconds. This box is used to accurately change the stop position of the selected source in the timeline. If "Move Source" is checked then the start time of the selected source is also adjusted accordingly so that the selected source is moved otherwise the selected source is resized. You may also use the up and down direction keys to adjust the values.
.topic 1064
Move Source: If this option is checked then changing the stop time of the selected source will adjust the stop time of that source. If this option is cleared then the start time will not change and the source will be resized.
.topic 1065
Zoom Factor: Calibrated in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Milliseconds. This box is used to change the zoom in and out the timeline accurately. Use the direction keys